PGN Viewer 1.3 is a shareware application designed to enable a user to view chess games previously saved as reduced export formatted Portable Game Notation (PGN) text files. If you decide you to keep this application, please send fifteen US dollars to me (Dave Airey) at the following address...
Dave Airey
24C Gaslight Village Apartments
Ithaca, New York 14850
There are some caveats that you should know when using PGN Viewer 1.21. You need to be running System 7, or higher, on a Macintosh 680x0 computer. If these requirements are not met, PGN Viewer will not run. Second, PGN Viewer will not open a text file containing more than one thousand (1000) games. If you open a file that contains more than 1000 games, this application will do a nose-dive right in front of you. To give you an idea of how large such a file would be, the included Fischer.pgn file is 465K and contains 733 games. To be safe, I would not open a text.pgn file that is larger than 600K. Check first. If a file is larger, break it up into smaller text.pgn files. Other PGN game collections may be FTP'd from <>. Third, PGN Viewer will not view a game that has more than 200 moves. I don't know of any, but if you try to view such a game you will crash your computer. Fourth, PGN Viewer will only parse the movetext of reduced export formatted PGN files. If there are any comments or move annotations such as !, ?, or {...}, PGN Viewer will come to a screeching halt. In the future I will add a routine so that comments are bypassed or used, but for now be warned. Fifth, you must append ".pgn" to any reduced export formatted PGN text file that you wish to open. If you do not, PGN Viewer will not open the file. Aside from these five caveats PGN Viewer is simple enough to figure out without reading anything further.
If PGN Viewer crashes your computer and it is not due to any of the five shortcomings laid out above, please send me the text.pgn file that crashed your machine, along with your system configuration. I assume no responsibility for any damage done to your machine or data lost from your machine caused by PGN Viewer 1.3.
If you have any suggestions for improving this application please send me email at <>. If I get enough support, I will begin version 1.x or 2.0. I would like to include the ability to search by field (ECO, most importantly). I would also like to allow you to move the pieces around to analyze from any position during a game, pressing a "Revert" button when you want to return to the main game line.
Version History
1.0 initial release
1.1 fixed bug in checkmate algorithm
1.2 reads Compuserve reduced export PGN variant
1.21 fixed bug in takeback castling routines
1.3 added end of game alerts and ability to reverse board position